The means of production should be owned by the state. 生产资料应当属国家所有。
Quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones. 物资指标按隶属关系分配。
Second, education provides society with engineers and technicians who can master and apply advanced means of production. 第二,它向社会提供一支能掌握和运用先进生产方法的技术队伍。
During the first eight years after the founding of New China we carried out the socialist transformation of ownership of the means of production and set up some basic industries. 建国后的头八年,我们进行了社会主义改造,建立了一些基础工业。
Verification Analysis on the Impact Factors of Agricultural Means of Production to the Grain Crops Output 农业生产资料投入对粮食作物产出影响因素的相关验证分析
The working people enjoy the right to manage, control and use the means of production. 劳动人民享有对生产资料管理、支配和使用的权利。
The economic and political power of business leaders derived from their ownership of capital and the control that ownership gave them over the means of production and exchange. 企业领导人的经济和政治影响力,源自他们对资本的所有权,以及这种所有权所赋予他们的对生产和交换工具的控制权。
The nature of the ownership of the means of production is a basic matter for distinguishing capitalism from socialism. 生产资料所有制属性是划分社会主义和资本主义制度的根本性问题。
Private ownership of the means of production is the fundamental institution of the market economy. 生产手段的私人所有制是市场经济的基础性制度。
Government owns and controls the land and the means of production. S政府拥有和控制的土地和生产资料。
Socialist economy depends heavily on plans of government and public ownerships of the means of production. 社会主义经济在很大程度上依赖于政府计划和生产资料公有制。
By using the means of production, the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist. 工人使用生产手段生产新商品,而这些商品就成为资本家的财产。
The principles or system of ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people collectively. 由全体人民集体决定的生产、分配和所有制体制或原则。
Socialists have long argued for public ownership of the means of production. 社会主义者早就主张生产资料公有制。
The character of ownership of means of production decides the social character. 生产资料所有制的性质决定社会的性质。
Money, assets, or property used as a means of production or for investment. 可以用作生产或投资手段的金钱、资产或财物。
They are-sure we'll take your modes and means of production for free-market capitalists. 他们是这种资本家:我们会采取您的方式,和您的自由市场生产方式。
Government control over the means of production radically distorts economic conditions, undermines efficient capital usage and compromises long-term potential. 政府对生产方式的控制从根本上扭曲了经济,降低了资本使用率并损害了长期发展潜力。
Established during socialist revolution, china's state ownership of the means of production no longer adapts to socialist market economic system as the development of socialist construction, which results in such phenomena as non-separation between the government and the enterprises, regional barrier and market fragmentation. 摘要我国的生产资料国家所有制,是在社会主义革命过程中建立起来的,随着社会主义建设的发展,它们与社会主义市场经济体制就不相适应了,出现了政企不分、地区壁垒和条块分割等现象。
Once the means of production is fully socialized, more advanced technology can be introduced. 一旦生产手段全面实现社会所有化,就可以引入更先进的技术。
Characterized by the principle of ownership by the state or the people of the means of production. 以国有或者归生产资料所有者所有的原则为特点。
Constant change in human needs, technology and society mean that the means of production and distribution evolve constantly. 人类需求、科技和社会的不断变化,意味着生产和分配的方式会不断演变。
Taking the country as a whole, the quantity of the means of production owned by China's rich peasants and the volume of their farm produce were both very small. 从全国说来,中国的富农所占的生产资料和所生产的农产品的数量,都是很小的。
Public ownership of the means of production constitutes the basis of china's socialist economic system. 中国社会主义经济制度的基础是生产资料的公有制。
We all know that the basic factors in the productive forces are the means of production and labour power. 大家知道,生产力的基本因素是生产资料和劳动力。
He is plundering the means of production, thus ruining and enslaving China's national industries. 掠夺生产工具,使中国民族工业归于毁灭和奴役化。
High quality products from advanced technology, reliable means of production, selection of parts and strict management. 优质的产品来自先进的技术,可靠的生产手段,精选的配件及严格的管理。
Industry refers to manufacturing activities in making means of production, means of subsistence and processing semi-manufactured goods by making use of natural resources. 工业,是指采用自然物质资源,制造生产资料、生活资料,对农产品、半成品等进行加工的生产事业。
We must distribute means of production reasonably. 我们必须合理分配生产资料。
Suppliers of Agricultural Means of Production in System of Commercialized Services for Agriculture: Difficulties and Solutions 农业社会化服务体系中的农资供应商:困境与出路